Sneaker cleaning and watermelons: stories from the shelter and food cupboard

What people said when we asked them to share some useful street skills and life hacks

Shoe cleaning pop-up outside of free community meal at the shelterFolks accessing the free dinner were in lots of different situations. Some were using the shelter as a stop-gap solution to a volatile housing situation. Others were coping with mental health and addictions issues that prevented them from working. Of them, some were okay with that and others were really frustrated with themselves or with services. We spoke to one young man who is employed full time doing a physically demanding job that he considers good work. Bobby comes back to hang-out at the shelter because that’s where his people are. What does it mean when someone who’s found his way out comes back to the shelter? Is it a success story that helps other people envision a way to move forward? Or was Bobby having trouble moving on? 

Read more here: “Sneaker Cleaning, of course” 

The best way to describe my job search is ‘like a maze’. There’s a lot of dead ends, it’s slow, and frustrating. But you’ve got to keep motivated

Watermelon Trading PostHow does it feel to write your kids names on the food cupboard form and ask for help? When you’re struggling with your sense of identity in a crisis, how does the experience of the food cupboard help to shape that new sense of self?

Read more here: “Watermelons for Stories”