Hear our team reflect

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“What’s it like to be in the team?”

“What did you learn personally?”

These are the questions we’re often asked. Our work process has never been documented in such a way that folks outside of the team can understand fully what we do, why & how we do it, and what we each take away.

That’s the challenge we took on in the fourth week of our Me, Us and Them Project.

We’ve been trying to map out our learning over the course of the past 5 days – not only to communicate externally, but also to help us internally recognize and solidify our learning moments. So that we can each see how we’re growing and using our personal capacities. 

In our Debrief Session on Friday, we experimented with using different media to showcase our learnings. We had community members and professionals come and take a look at our analysis wall, add their own questions and comments, and watch our team reflections on smart phones mounted to the wall. 

We hope that this documentation can help you to learn about our behind-the-scenes working, and adapt the way of thinking for yourself. If not, do drop us a message!